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Rejection explodes and exposes who goes out in the vote TV news

Rejection explodes and exposes who goes out in the vote TV news

Eric Ricarte takes the biggest risk leaving A Grande Conquista after losing Prova da Virada on Wednesday (7). He was the most disapproved influencer in the survey the news About who should win the dynamic, with only 27.96% of the vote. With Gisele Soares as the crowd favorite (39.38%), he has direct contention with Thiago Cervo – nominated by Thiago Dionisio.

Mariana Rios upset the three participants who were in the danger zone about who didn’t want to win the Prova da Virada. Dionisio was Ricarte and Giselle’s choice. He returns with a vote for Eric. The comedian’s “I want him not to win or go home” shot.

The feud required memory and agility from the competitors, who had to put together a series of ten pictures from their heads. To win, you had to hit more than your competitors. Each correct piece is worth ten points to escape possible removal.

In the first round, participants had to rank the ten highest-grossing films in just over two minutes. Thiago leads with 50 points, followed by Giselle (30) and Eric (10).

The theme for the second stage was the celebrities with the most followers on the main social networks, where the players had the least time. Giselle boasted and was tied with Dionisio on 130 points, while Riccarte finished last with 70 points.

With only a minute and a half, the participants had to rank the most populous states of Brazil in the last part of the test. The comedian managed to recover with eight hits, reaching 210 points – against 170 for the former BBB and 140 for the journalist.

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Who won the Prova da Virada?

Thiago Dionisio won the Prova da Virada this Wednesday They escaped from the Danger Zone, defeating Giselle Soares and Eric Ricarte. It was nominated as the frontrunner to gain momentum with 32.67% of readers the newsindicating Thiago Cervo to take his place in the spotlight.

He explained, “He’s someone who influences Eric a lot, he puts his hand on his head a lot when Ricarte does something stupid. I was a little shaken, but my mind was up and I decided to do it.”

Click here to open the survey

Who left the great conquest?

According to part of his survey the newswhich has collected more than 11 thousand votes until the last update of this text, Ricarte has a better chance of leaving the racewith only 13.99% preferring to stay.

Servo appears in second place, with 40.02% of the audience’s choice. Giselle is at least in dangerwith 45.99% general support.