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Registration for the major in Religious Sciences and Religious Education begins on Monday (1/4) — Federal Institute of Alagoas

Registration for the major in Religious Sciences and Religious Education begins on Monday (1/4) — Federal Institute of Alagoas

Registration for the religious sciences and religious education major begins on Monday (1/4) and continues until April 28. Notice No. 04/204 was issued on Thursday night (27/3) by Dean of Research, Postgraduate Studies and Innovation of the Federal Institute of Alagoas (PRPPI/Ifal) and General Directorate of Benedito Pentes Advanced Campus.

30 places will be available for the postgraduate Lato Sensu course. Candidates can register exclusively online for the Ifal selection system by accessing the selection system at the following email address: http://exame.ifal.edu.br.

See the notice

According to course coordinator Professor Hugo Brandão, the EVAL Foundation is a leader among educational institutions in the federal network in implementing specialization in religious education. “We have eleven compulsory courses, but we will also have elective courses, from which you can choose the courses that best relate to your research,” the professor explained. The course is completed by preparing a scientific article that will be published.

The course is offered via distance learning and 90% of the teachers hold master's and doctoral degrees. “These professionals are able to discuss in the classroom and train our students. We live interreligious dialogue, pluralism and religious diversity so that they are not professionals in the classroom with teaching Christian education, but religious knowledge of different religions, through mutual respect,” he explained. coordinator.

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