The Minas Gerais State Secretariat for Economic Development (Sede-MG), in partnership with the Minas Gerais State Foundation for Research Support (Fapemig), achieved a record budget implementation in the field of science, technology and innovation (CT&I) in 2023, investing a further R$470 million. This amount exceeded the value for 2022 (R$ 453.4 million) and exceeded the initial forecast for 2023 (R$ 446 million), representing more than 100% of the initial budget.
Scientific institutions and researchers in Minas Gerais benefit from the full budget allocation and receive additional resources to promote research with a potential impact on the lives of the population. Researcher Ana Luisa Bettencourt Paiva, Head of the Molecular Toxicology Service at Fundação Ezequiel Dias (Funded), emphasizes the importance of these resources for the rapid development of research projects. According to Ana Luisa, Fapemig is the main source of funding for researchers in Minas Gerais, allowing rapid access to essential materials for the progress of projects. The researcher is participating in a study to improve the production of serum against tetanus.
Headquarters-MG management highlights that the second consecutive year of record investments in ST&I demonstrates the commitment to the innovative development of the state of Minas Gerais, generating employment and income and strengthening a successful solution-oriented culture.
Several initiatives, such as Seed MG, Pró-Inovação, HubMG Gov, and Compete Minas, have contributed to strengthening the innovation environment in the state. For 2024, Fapemig plans to strengthen initiatives aimed at lithium chain development, decarbonisation, laboratory accreditation and training, while Sede-MG will continue to focus on leveraging innovation in Minas Gerais through programs and actions.
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