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Recife School Takes First Place in the Inclusive Education Category at 28th Ciência Jovem

Recife School Takes First Place in the Inclusive Education Category at 28th Ciência Jovem

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Work by eighth-grade students from the Escola Conecta Elementary School, in Recife, won first place at the 28th Ciência Jovem Fair, in the Inclusive Education Initiation category.

The project “Sol in my Garden: a proposal based on the Jardim da Ciência”, coordinated by Professor Climéria Ramalho, aims to analyze the effect of light in different parts of the garden, in order to carry out a more efficient planting.

According to Climéria, the project is inspired by a cycle promoted by Espaço Ciência, called “Jardim da Ciência”. “We have restructured the garden by introducing new crops, taking into account the light intensity each bed receives. To introduce the plants, we considered the University of Illinois definitions that classify plants as full sun (six or more hours of direct sun), half shade (two to four hours of direct sun) and shade (less than two hours of direct sun). directly) ”, explains the teacher.

Based on this information, the study of the area was carried out through measurements with a quantummeter, a device used to measure the intensity of light. “We discover lux density at each site. In addition to the correct distribution of plants, we correct the soil and control irrigation. With that, we believe in maintaining the garden as a living space and a lot of learning,” he adds.

Five lux measurements were made using a quantum meter throughout the day for each site. The goal was to realize the differences in luminosity. Before the measurements, the students noted that the beds received direct light, from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. From 2pm to 5pm, shade was provided over the beds. The cultivated plants were vegetables.

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Ciência Jovem is an exhibition promoted by Espaço Ciência in partnership with the state government, however, in addition to the schools in Pernambuco, projects from several Brazilian states and even abroad have participated.

The project has also been invited to represent Pernambuco at the Minas Gerais Science Initiation Fair, which takes place in November 2023, in Minas Gerais.