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Randolph expands criticism, proposes sacking of Campos Neto ‘to remove debris from stratospheric core rate’ – Jovem Pan

Randolph expands criticism, proposes sacking of Campos Neto ‘to remove debris from stratospheric core rate’ – Jovem Pan

Randolph Rodriguez (Rede-AP) is a Republican senator who serves as the leader of the government in Congress

Senator and Head of Government in the National Convention, Randolph Rodrigues (No-Party-AP), has extended its criticism of the central bank chief (BC), Roberto Campos Neto. On his social networks, the parliamentarian suggested that the executive had not met the targets and that his departure from office should be analyzed by the Federal Senate so that Cada could remove “the rubble from the stratospheric core interest rate”. In addition, the congressman noted that the Central Bank Independence Act provides for the dismissal of the head of Basin when he “demonstrates inadequate, consistent and repeated performance to achieve the objectives of the institution.” At the moment, the Selic interest rate is – 13.75%, and according to the government, the level of the indicator is high and against the grain of the economic scenario, with forecasts of an increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and a decrease in inflation. The economy is taking off: GDP growth is higher than expected; Lower inflation, lower dollar, lower future interest rates and lower unemployment. It remains to remove the rubble from the Roberto Campos Neto base rate. The Senate of the Republic needs to move! You can’t speed up the economy with the handbrake that this exorbitant interest rate pulls! He declared that it was the people who were being harmed.

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