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Radio Sanca Web TV – City Hall celebrates Science and Music Day

Radio Sanca Web TV – City Hall celebrates Science and Music Day

Sao Carlos/SP – The City of São Carlos, through the Municipal Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation, with the support of the Municipal Chamber of São Carlos – The Commission for Culture, Science, Technology and Tourism (CCCTT), promoted on Wednesday (16/10), in the auditorium of the Municipal Palace, the event to celebrate the Science and Technology Day and the Music.

The initiative aims to recognise, evaluate and integrate art, culture, scientific discoveries and inventions, encourage the development of new research and enhance awareness of the importance of science, technology and innovation for the development of humanity and the improvement of the quality of life and the benefits achieved. With advances in areas such as health, food, energy, environment, security and communications.

The event included a performance of Brazilian Popular Music (MPB) by musicians and teachers from the Maestro João Sepe School of Music, Daniel Antonio (percussion), Claudio Junior (accordion), Carlos Eduardo (saxophone and flute), in addition to a lecture by the Secretary of the Municipal Council for Science and Technology, José Galizia Tondisi, on the Sustainable Development Goals – United Nations 2030 – Perspectives, and a lecture on the “Commission on Science and Technology”, given by Prof. Dr. Marcelo Ferreira Lourenço, President of the Municipal Science and Technology Council.

Secretary José Galizia Tondisi highlighted that science, technology, innovation and culture have always been united since the time of ancient Greece. “It is essential that a city like São Carlos, the national capital of technology, is ready to support cultural development related to science, and there is a lot to learn and develop through this relationship,” he said. Many scientists from São Carlos are excellent musicians, so today’s concert is an initiative to integrate science and culture. In the same project.
Merlin Simoes, Regional Secretary of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC), highlighted the importance of celebrating music and science. “Fostering the debate on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, one of the pillars of discussion during National Technology Week and the celebration of MPB Day, demonstrates that science, art and culture go together because they are part of the making of people and celebrate and celebrate this moment in which we live, which is witnessing major climate and social transformations.” , the emergence of thinking and awareness so that we can be a future society that is more just and equitable for all with the diversity that we have.

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Representing the Presidency of the City Council, Councilor Robertinho Mori, Chairman of the Committee for Culture, Science, Technology and Tourism, emphasized the complementarity between music and science. “This union between our academic centers with public authorities is important, this is what São Carlos has always dreamed of. We are committed to holding the Musician’s Day on November 22 with Prof. Dr. Paulo Estévão Cruvenil, scientist and musician (guitar and seven-string), another event that brings together Science and music.”

Professor Dr. Marcelo Ferreira Lourenço, President of the Municipal Council of Science and Technology and Director of the United Nations Environment Program (UNICEP), when speaking about science and progress in the field of health, strengthened the defense and highlighted the benefits of the new medical course for the city. “A new medical course, in partnership with Santa Casa, will meet the needs of the unified health system, not only in São Carlos, but in the entire region,” he stressed.
Councilor Andre Rebelo and Municipal Secretary of the Regional Administration, Valciner Bragato, also participated in the event.