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Quiroga defends health plans compensate SUS for Covid-19 vaccines

Quiroga defends health plans compensate SUS for Covid-19 vaccines

The Minister of Health, Marcelo Quiroga, on Monday (5) defended the inclusion of vaccines against Covid-19 in the coverage of health plans.

The Board of the Complementary Health Agency (ANS) this morning met with Ministers at Palazzo Planalto to discuss this possibility. According to Queiroga, this coverage will result in two ways: first, in reimbursing the SUS and the federal government for vaccines applied to those with health insurance, and, in the future, in obtaining vaccines by operators to provide to users.

At the moment, labs that produce Covid vaccines only sell to governments. In April of this year, the Chamber approved a project that would allow for private procurement. The text has not yet been considered by the Senate.

Once approved by the ANS, [a vacina] It becomes part of the list and has mandatory coverage. We will wait for the ANS’ decision, but since it is cost-effective, including it in the plans will result in savings for health plan operators. Because it is clear that vaccines prevent hospitalization.”

Today, the list of mandatory coverage measures in health plans does not include any vaccine. The vaccination strategy is concentrated in the National Immunization Program (PNI) and in private clinics.

(*With information from Juliana Lopez and Teo Curie, from CNN, and from Estadão Conteúdo)

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