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Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles: the silent transition that began in the United Kingdom

Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles: the silent transition that began in the United Kingdom

The British royal family attends the military parade in honor of Elizabeth II's platinum jubilee on Thursday (2/6)

attributed to him, Reuters

Illustrative image,

The British royal family attends the military parade in honor of Elizabeth II’s platinum jubilee on Thursday (2/6)

Among all the symbolism of this holiday, when the platinum jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II is celebrated in the United Kingdom, one piece will stand out: the king’s golden carriage.

The car will be the centerpiece of the show, which will follow the same path as Elizabeth II’s coronation – from Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace.

Weighing in at four tons, this four-ton carriage is a reminder of the past wealth and glory of the former British rule of oceans and other continents.

The Queen walked him to her coronation and the silver and golden jubilee processions.