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Public hearing on cuts to science and technology funds canceled – Senado Notícias

The Committee on Science and Technology (CCT) meeting scheduled for Tuesday (11) has been cancelled. The intent was to discuss the effects of the interim measure reducing resources from the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FNDCT). There is no new date for the meeting yet.

The MP 1.136 / 2022, published in August, imposes restrictions on the use of the fund. Established in 1969, the FNDCT is one of the main sources of funding for the promotion of science, technology and innovation in the country.

According to the petitioner (REQ 31/2022), for the hearing, Senator Jean-Paul Prates (PT-RN), the measure is “completely unconstitutional” as it seeks to illegally restrict the FNDCT’s budget (particularly non-refundable resources) and open up space in the budget between 2022 and 2027 for other expenditures under the spending cap.

The senator explains that MP 1136 affects the generation of resources to promote innovation and scientific and technological development, which could cause a loss of R$6 billion. He notes that in 2022 the measure affected the FNDCT by R$1.8 billion. In the 2023 budget bill, this loss could reach R$4.2 billion.


The deputy is not the government’s first attempt to cut resources from the fund. by punishing Supplementary Law 177 of 2021, which prohibits emergency for these resources, the government vetoed this particular part, but the veto was vetoed by parliamentarians. In July 2022, Representatives and Senators rejected a new attempt by the government to withdraw resources from the FNDCT, set forth in PLN 17/2022.

Agência Senado (Clone permission with reference to Agência Senado)