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Announcement of vacancies for the position of Science Analyst

Registration for the new public competition is now open Heads (Coordination to improve personnel in higher education). Certified professionals will have the opportunity to receive initial earnings from 7 thousand Brazilian reals!

In addition, candidates will have to pay a fixed fee of R$ 80.00. The entire registration procedure must be done through the organizing committee’s website, Cebraspe.

Choice offered 50 vacancies for the position of Science and Technology Analystwith higher education in various specializations.

According to the notice Substantive and rhetorical tests It will be implemented on the likely date March 17, 2024.

  • Coordination for the improvement of personnel in higher education – CAPES
  • condition: Registration is open until January 12
  • Banking services: Sipraspi
  • Vacancies: 50
  • Starting salary: 7,025.48 Brazilian reals
  • Headers – 2023 Notice

a Contest license It is published jointly with other federal competitions which together offer more than 4 thousand vacancies.

In order to keep you well informed, in this article we have compiled the main information and news about the CAPES competition. Follow the topics below and don’t miss any details:

About the heads

Coordination to improve personnel in higher education (Heads), an institution of the Ministry of Education (MEC), plays an essential role in expanding and standardizing postgraduate studies Narrow narrow (Masters and PhD) in all states of the federation.

In 2007, it also began working on training basic education teachers, expanding its activities in training qualified personnel in Brazil and abroad.

Heads Up Contest: Key Dates

  • Recordings: 12/22/23 and 01/12/2024
  • Fee waiver: 12/22/23 and 01/12/2024
  • Last day of payment: 02/02
  • Evidence: 03/17/2024
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Contest heads: a career

Positions and vacancies

  • Science and technology analyst 32 vacancies;
  • Science and Technology Analyst – Library Science – 3 vacancies;
  • Science and Technology Analyst – Statistics – 5 vacancies;
  • Science and Technology Analyst – Information Technology – 5 vacancies; that it
  • Science and Technology Analyst – Accounting – 5 vacancies.


The approved bonus will consist of base salary + title bonus (where applicable) + performance bonus, for a total starting salary of 7,025.48 Brazilian reals.

paying off:

Calibration Basic salary Pay for the title Performance reward the total
graduation 5,211.48 Brazilian reals 1,814.00 Brazilian Real 7,025.48 Brazilian reals
specialty 5,211.48 Brazilian reals R$ 992.52 1,814.00 Brazilian Real 8,018.00 Brazilian Real
Master 5,211.48 Brazilian reals 1,933.13 Brazilian Real 1,814.00 Brazilian Real 8,958.61 Brazilian reals
PHD degree 5,211.48 Brazilian reals 4,161.21 Brazilian Real 1,814.00 Brazilian Real 11,186.69 Brazilian reals

Career competition heads

Position requirements

Science and Technology Analyst – Field of activity: General: Diploma of completion of a high-level university course in any field of training.

Science and Technology Analyst – Field of activity: Archival science: Certificate of completion of a higher university course in archival science and registration with the regional labor office.

Science and Technology Analyst – Field of activity: Libraries: Certificate of completion of a higher university course in library science, and registration with the regional council for the category.

Science and Technology Analyst – Field of activity: Accounting: Certificate of completion of a higher university course in accounting sciences, and registration with the regional council for the category.

Science and Technology Analyst – Field of Activity: Information Technology: Diploma, duly registered, for completion of a high-level university course in systems analysis, computer science, data processing, information systems, informatics, computer engineering, systems engineering, network engineering or any other completed course of higher education, on University level, completed in the field of information technology, provided by a higher education institution recognized by Middle East College, and registration in the class council, if available.

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Science and Technology Analyst – General: Organize, direct and implement activities related to the formulation and implementation of institutional policies for education management, program management and management of course and program evaluation; Financial planning, budget preparation and implementation

Science and Technology Analyst – Archival Science: Information and document management; Mapping, evaluating, digitizing and microfilming; Plan and standardize procedures focusing on protocol and archiving techniques; Preservation, preservation and restoration of documents; and carrying out other activities specified in the CAPES standards.

Science and Technology Analyst – Libraries: Organizing, directing and implementing technical work related to library activities, and developing a system for indexing, classifying, referencing and preserving bibliographic collections, to store and retrieve information of a public or private nature and make it available to users in the library and the documentation center; Carrying out public administration activities; and carrying out other activities specified in the CAPES standards.

Science and Technology Analyst – Accounting: Organizing, directing and implementing activities related to accounting in general, planning, supervising and directing the implementation of work, with the aim of identifying the necessary elements for preparing the budget and monitoring the financial situation and asset placement; Learn about general accounting for the Federation’s Chart of Accounts and SIAFI; Conduct accounting inspections; Analyze accountability and implement administrative activities in general and implement other activities specified in the CAPES standards.

Final heads up contest

The organization’s last competition was held in 2012under regulation Sispi/UnB. On that occasion he presented it to them 140 vacanciesfor high school and higher education positions.

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In the case of secondary education, 70 vacancies have been released for the position of assistant in science and technology, which also requires one year of experience in grade-bound tasks.

The other seventy worked as junior science and technology analysts, distributed across the fields of archiving, libraries, accounting, and general science.

  • Junior Science and Technology Analyst I – General: 63 vacancies, 4,764 applicants;
  • Junior Science and Technology Analyst – Archiving Science: 01 vacancies, 54 registered;
  • Junior Science and Technology Analyst – Library Administration: 02 vacancies, 144 registered;
  • Junior Science and Technology Analyst – Accounting: 04 vacancies, 136 registered;
  • Senior Science and Technology Assistant: 70 vacancies, 2,477 registered.

How were the objective and rhetorical tests?

The objective test contained 120 questions, as follows:

  • Basic knowledge – 50 questions;
  • Specific knowledge – 70 questions.

The practical oratorical examination for the position of Junior Science and Technology Analyst was worth a total of 20.00 points and would consist of a technical observation, which would be answered in up to 30 lines on specific knowledge.

For Associate in Science and Technology 1, it was worth 20.00 points and consisted of writing a thesis text, up to 30 lines, covering current affairs topics.

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Information about the upcoming CAPES competition

  • test date: 03/17/2024
  • Vacancies: 50
  • Attitudes: Science and Technology Analyst
  • education: Level up
  • Banking services: Sipraspi
  • Headers – 2023 Notice
  • Latest notice: Capes 2012