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President Gerdau: “I see the country’s inability to grow”

President Gerdau: “I see the country’s inability to grow”

Guilherme Chagas-Girdau-Johanpeter, 51, the current president of Gerdau, fears the country will recession. He is the second of the fifth generation of the family to chair the board of directors of the company.

“I see the country’s inability to grow, perhaps its lagging behind,” Gerdau said in an interview with the newspaper. economic value. He also commented that there is “difficulty in giving continuity to successful public policies,” citing some of the innovations that have been implemented in Bolsonaro governmentsuch as the gas competitiveness law and sanitation framework, in addition to the state-owned law, applicable in Michel Tamer Administration.


The businessman has been in office for three years. Two of them were bonus in company results. In 2022, for example, the company finished the year with net revenues of about R$82 billion.

According to Gerdau, the country has exhausted its investment capacity, which creates the need for a more solid regulatory environment. “a lonliness It is also an important factor, but it must combine its low investment capacity.” “Especially in infrastructure, if we don’t stop growing.”

The executive branch understands the importance of agribusiness to the country. However, he said that “the industrial sector is losing its importance in Brazil”. For him, the impetus to resume this branch’s activity will come with tax reform. The change, according to the businessman, will end the “tax waste” of 6% to 7% on exports.

Finally, the CEO criticizes the cost of capital in Brazil, which he rates as “too expensive to invest,” even in medium and large companies. He noted that the country has always been expenses High He said the way to reduce Selic is to have a fiscal policy.

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