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President Al-Faraj categorizes the Brazilian Confederation’s idea of ​​reducing state championships as “real football genocide.”

President Al-Faraj categorizes the Brazilian Confederation’s idea of ​​reducing state championships as “real football genocide.”

In addition to the push-over match at the Maracana in Brazil 0 x 1 Argentina, Brazilian Football Confederation that it relief They’re also on a collision course over the idea of ​​cutting state taxes starting in 2026. The president’s idea Ednaldo Rodriguez It’s from Reduce the number of dates from 16 to 12 Of these regional championships.

In communication with “Danilo Lafieri Blog”, from “UOL Esporte”, President of Al-Faraj, Rubens LopezHe was emphatic on the subject.

This is real football genocide. I do not think that the proposal comes from the president because it would be a reaction to everything that has been said and promoted to me so far. Rio de Janeiro disagrees and rejects experimental daydreams and speculation – Robinho said.

According to the blog, both the Rio and São Paulo confederations say they are not aware of the CBF’s attempt to shorten the state championship. Ednaldo Rodriguez is looking for a solution to try to solve the calendar issue, which has been criticized by players, especially coaches.

In addition to Faraj’s positioning, the FPF also opposes the idea and uses values Bolestaw To maintain the importance of competition. For 2024 and 2025, each of the state’s top four will receive 40 million Brazilian reals Only to compete in the first stage – a similar value to a semi-finalist Libertadores Or final Brazil Cup.

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