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Postgraduate students demand a halt to cutbacks in science – Jornal da USP

Postgraduate students demand a halt to cutbacks in science – Jornal da USP

Among the many negative consequences, I would like to stick to the effects on graduate studies. graduate is Place The main training of highly qualified human resources in the state.In the knowledge economy, which characterizes the productive system of the twenty-first century, it is minds and minds – that is, well-trained people, able to produce the transformations and innovations necessary to increase productivity – the main assets of any country.

In other words, just as coal fueled the industrial revolution in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and oil in the twentieth century, talent is the engines of development in the twenty-first century.

In order for Brazil to develop its economy and create jobs in this season, it is necessary to invest in the training of a large number of people, from basic education to postgraduate studies, and to evaluate those who have chosen research as a profession. Therefore, we advocate the valorization of the scientific path in Brazil, from postgraduate training.

The scholarships have been unadjusted for 8 years and have lost 60% of their purchasing power. It is not a gift. Pay for this work is very important to the nation. Young doctors find themselves unemployed, underemployed, and generally have two paths in the face of this economic crisis: evading a scientific career or deepening the brain drain abroad.

If all this were not enough, we would still face a disruption in the postgraduate assessment system, which Capes implements, due to a court decision, which could lead to the deregulation of courses and the collapse of the system.

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For all of these reasons, we’re calling for a national post-graduation stop next October 26. This reality must be discussed and urgent solutions provided. We advocate investing FNDCT resources in readjusting scholarships and in creating public policies that provide perspectives for young clinicians in Brazil. We also advocate for the immediate resumption of the four-year Capes rating system.

The technological independence of Brazil and the overcoming of the serious economic and social crisis we are experiencing depend on reversing this process of subversion and dismantling.

Written by Flavia Calle, PhD student in the University of the South Pacific School of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences and President of the National Association of Graduate Students (ANPG)