Born in the suburbs of El Salvador, Pliny30, has a very strong connection with his homeland and identifies very much with his homeland: “God forbid I'm not from Bahia.”
A jewelry designer, he grew up surrounded by women on the land where he lived with his mother, grandmother, sister and a few other neighbors next door. This coexistence had a huge impact on his life: “It has affected my life so much that I only have four male friends. All the others are women, and I get along with them much better.
At the age of nineteen, he lost his mother to cancer and had to start working. “It was the most difficult stage of my life, with deep pain, but it shaped the man I am today.”
In the middle of the road there are a lot of stones
Plinio graduated in management, worked in shopping centers and schools and sold coffee: “It was difficult, you see.” His life changed radically when, through his sister, who graduated in geology, he bought a lot of emeralds from the mines and sold them to jewelry stores: “I used some of the money I earned in the process and invested it in these stones.”
Realizing the opportunities, he delved into the field, became a jewelry designer and began selling ready-made and original pieces. A jewelry store owner for eight years, he already has his own pieces made Viola Davis that it Angela Bassett.
Standing 1.89m tall and weighing around 95kg, he gives the impression of being a straight man, but he claims the photo was broken up after five minutes of conversation and he quickly discovered he was a “nice straight guy”. “I am very sensitive,” assures the boy who studied all his life in a monastery school.
Vain and self-important, he knows that he attracts attention with his beauty. It's funny that he likes to know everything and talk to everyone. Accustomed to being the center of attention, he always takes on the role of a leader and feels uncomfortable when he does not have control over everything. He is proud, has a short fuse, does not like unruly people, and hates lying.
“I'm very good with people. That's why I think BBB will be a game that I'll take very seriously. Everything I do in life I do in the right way possible.”
Plinio, an adventurer, will enter the house intending to make allies, but believes he can make friends: “I'm smart and I'll know how to read the game.” The Bahian wants to win the prize to become rich and help his family: “I will give my life to endurance racing, enjoy the celebrations and dedicate myself to the programme.”
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👉 Instagram: @pliniosimoes
“Prone to fits of apathy. Problem solver. Twitter buff. Wannabe music advocate.”
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