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Player shows the difference between playing with high ping in CS2 and CS:GO |  Draft5

Player shows the difference between playing with high ping in CS2 and CS:GO | Draft5

used in Reddit He posted a short video showing the difference between shooting with a high ping Counter Strike 2 (CS2) And in CS: Go. The player had a ping level of between 60 and 70 and showed difficulty in being able to eliminate the opponent.

“The shots are actually delayed compared to where the crosshairs are. Video below frame by frame, each frame is 1/60 of a second, about 1.06667 marks per frame. Notice how the second AK shot fired does not hit, despite being crouched“, commented the user.

The player added that of the four shots he fired, only one hit his opponent’s body. Of the four shots, one missed, and only the third bullet was counted as a hit to the body.

Some users discussed the authenticity of the video, and the player responded by clarifying that “The impact of the bullet appears to the right of the wall in the second shot, even though the target was on the opponent. Contrary to what many of you are saying, it makes no sense not to count the third shot since there are about 8 frames, that is, 8 marks, which is equivalent to 125 milliseconds.” , which is more than enough to level the server.”

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Moreover, the player explained that he missed the first shots, but the last bullets were specifically affected by the high ping which affected the accuracy of the bullets.


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