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PIS / Pasep: Workers will be able to withdraw two allowances in 2022

PIS / Pasep: Workers will be able to withdraw two allowances in 2022

Pay PIS / Pasep The base year 2020 has been postponed by the Federal Government. The entitlement is the right of workers who have been employed on a formal contract for at least 30 days in the past year and earned an average minimum wage of at least two.

The comment came after a meeting of the Advisory Board of the Workers’ Support Fund (CUDAT). Thus, what everything indicates is that the benefit will be consolidated with the payment of the 2021 base year allowance in 2022.

Regarding the amount of entitlement, the program caps up to one minimum wage, starting at R$1,100. The amount granted to the worker depends on the working time, up to a maximum of 12 months.

It is indicated that the values ​​are adjusted annually according to the adjustment of the national ground, which is beneficial to the worker.

Who has the right?

The right to PIS / Pasep is for employees with an official contract who carry out their work activities in a private or public enterprise. These, I need:

  • Registration in PIS or Pasep for at least five years;
  • You worked for at least 30 days in 2019, whether consecutive or not;
  • Remuneration with a maximum minimum wage in 2019;
  • Information correctly passed by the company to the RAIS (Annual Social Information Report).

PIS number

If the employee does not know their PIS number, look for it in the following places:

  • Business card
  • Citizen card
  • Consulta ao CNIS;
  • Consult the Social Security call center by phone number 135;
  • Consultation with the Caixa Service by phone at 0800726 0207;
  • In other documents such as the FGTS snippet; Term of consent to terminate the contract and the Bolsa Família card.
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How do you get benefits?

For workers registered with PIS, the balance can be checked on some Caixa Econômica Federal digital channels or at a branch.

The salary bonus can be withdrawn at the organization’s ATMs, lottery outlets or Caixa Bank correspondents using a citizen card, or even at a branch that presents an official document with a photo and CPF.

For workers registered with Pasep, they can check the balance on the Banco do Brasil website or by calling 4004-0001, 0800729 0001 or 158.

To withdraw the amount, citizens can go to one of the branches of Banco do Brasil with an official identity document with a photo and CPF. In addition, it is possible to send the reward via TED to an account you own via an ATM or through the bank’s website, using the PASEP option.

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