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PIS/Pasep has excellent news for millions of Brazilians

PIS/Pasep has excellent news for millions of Brazilians

Many people have wondered about the payment date for the PIS/Pasep salary bonus for those who worked in 2022, especially now that the government has finalized payments for the 2021 base year, referring to the 2022 base year.

PIS/Pasep has excellent news for millions of Brazilians

Credits: Agência Brasil / Jose Cruz

PIS/Pasep has excellent news for millions of Brazilians

Let’s explain how all this happened and how is the calendar? Check it out below:

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the PIS/Pasep payment for the 2020 base year was postponed to 2021, as the federal government reallocated resources intended for this purpose to combat the disease.

In light of this situation, the calendar has been revised. This means that the salary bonus for the base year 2020 was paid in 2022. Then, the payment of the PIS / Pasep for the base year 2021, which was supposed to be paid in 2022, only began to be paid in February of this year, 2023.

Therefore, according to the sequence of recent events, the salary bonus for those who worked in 2022 will be paid in 2024. However, it is important to stress that the situation can be changed. So far, the federal government has not issued any statement on the settlement of the PIS/Pasep calendar.

Caixa Econômica Federal will pay PIS fees to private sector workers, while Banco do Brasil will make Pasep payments to public employees. Stay tuned for possible updates and official information about the payment schedule.

Who has the right?

Workers registered with PIS/Pasep for at least five years and who have officially worked for at least 30 days in the base year considered for the calculation are entitled to benefits, with an average monthly wage up to a minimum wage.

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It is also necessary for the data to be properly reported by the employer in the annual social information (Rais) list.

Workers can also check whether they have the right to opt out Federal government website or da digital business card. The Alô Trabalhador Center, phone number 158, is also available for assistance.

accrual amount

The amount of the allowance is proportional to the period the employee worked under a formal contract in 2020. Each month of work equates to a benefit of R$101, with periods equal to or greater than 15 days counted as a full month.

The amount paid corresponds to the current minimum wage divided by 12 and multiplied by the number of months worked in the base year.

The minimum wage in 2023 is R$1,302.00. Those who have worked for 12 months under a formal contract will receive the full minimum wage.

How to Consult PIS/PASEP 2023 Online

  1. Access to the site gov.br/pt-br/servicos/sacar-o-abono-salaria and click on “Start”;
  2. Select the “Login with Gov.br” button
  3. Enter your CPF number and click “Continue”;
  4. Enter your password and press the “Enter” button;
  5. On the main page of the Emprega Brasil portal, check the “Salary Allowance” box;
  6. Make sure you have 2021 selected as the base year and look under the “Enabled” column to see if you are eligible for Pis 2023. If you can get benefits, you will see the “Yes” button there.
  7. For more information, click the eye icon, just below the Actions column.

How to withdraw PIS 2023 Salary Bonus

The worker who has the Citizen Card can use it to receive the allowance at lottery shops or at Caixa ATMs. It is also possible to obtain it by going to the branch of the financial institution. For this, you need to bring an official document with a photo. If a citizen has a current or savings account with Caixa, he can receive the amount using Caixa Internet Banking.

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How to get Pasep 2023

Pasep can be withdrawn from the checking or savings accounts of Banco do Brasil customers. If the worker wants to receive the amount in another bank, it is also possible to make a transfer to the bank, preferably through the website.bb.com.br/pasepOr by BB ATM.