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Phuk cries because he feels left out inside the house

Phuk cries because he feels left out inside the house

In the sitting roomBBB 21 “, at dawn today, Fayouq was unable to hold back his tears in a conversation with Gilberto because he felt excluded within Reality show From Rede Globo.

It’s crazy to be excluded from everything. Here we are thanks to the audience. If it was about the people of the house, we would be kicked out of here.

Gilberto agreed with his brother and expressed regret that he was trying new methods inside the confinement, but he backed down to see strange situations.

It’s complicated. If we go to one side, notice a few things and back off. If you leave, you will stay here with the dog on your body. You didn’t do anything.

“The only person who has two happy faces is me,” Vuk complained, when he saw the lover on the screen. “Hey sweetheart, you have my heart,” Jill said jokingly. “Brazil loves you. Whoever doesn’t like you, fight.”

He thanked Vuk Gilberto for being the only participant who gave him affection in confinement.

There, generation. If it wasn’t for you at the time of the tournament, I don’t know. Let’s go to the final together.

Gilberto concluded, “There, my friend. I don’t know if Brazil loves me very much, no. But let’s hope.”

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