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PF dismantles group that defrauded SUS systems in cities in Massachusetts

PF dismantles group that defrauded SUS systems in cities in Massachusetts

The Federal Police (PF) launched on Wednesday (5) Operation Common Agent, to dismantle a criminal group responsible for the introduction of false data into the systems of the Ministry of Health in the cities of Maranhao-Pelagua, Farjem Grande and in the capital, São Luis. The group’s actions were aimed at amplifying data in the Unified Health System (SUS) to receive more resources from the Strategic Actions and Compensation Fund (Faec), related to post-Covid rehabilitation measures.

Four search and seizure warrants and a provisional arrest warrant were executed, in addition to other precautionary measures, such as the removal of the public officials involved from office. The Palestinian police did not inform the names of the targets of the operation.

According to the Palestinian police, in Bellagua, which has a population of less than 8,000, investigations indicated that more than 50,000 rehabilitation operations were carried out after the outbreak of the epidemic. As a result, the municipality received a transfer of more than R$1.1 million in resources from the fund in the period from January to May 2022.

“Despite the number of reported rehabilitation procedures, the municipality has only one physiotherapist, which indicates a mismatch in the number of procedures that are supposed to be performed,” the police said.

The investigation found that, in order to defraud the system, the health department in Pelagoa could have replicated the same patient list used in four other municipalities simultaneously.

If the suspicions are confirmed, those investigated may respond to the entry of false data, embezzlement and criminal association.

“The process has been dubbed ‘The Common Agent’ because five different municipalities identified a common point: the simultaneous use of the same list of patients undergoing post-Covid rehabilitation procedures,” the police box reported.

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a Brazil agency Seeks to contact the municipal halls involved in the process.