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Peyton retrained Corinthians this Thursday and Richard returned to CT

Peyton retrained Corinthians this Thursday and Richard returned to CT

Corinthians held another training session Thursday morning. At CT Joaquim Grava, Sylvinho led the third day of activities focused on the confrontation against Fortaleza, which takes place at 17:00 on Saturday, at the Neo Química Arena, for the 30th round of the Brazilian Championship.

Today was marked by two experiences. Left-back Lucas Peyton has completed the physical transition She trained normally with the group. He was embezzled against Chapecoense due to a groin muscle discomfort, but it must be linked against Fortaleza.

The other modernity was Steering wheel Richard’s return to the CT. He has been on loan at Athletico-PR since July 2020 and has terminated his contract for additional reasons. In Timão, their relationship continues until the end of 2022.

On the field, Sylvinho performed the ball possession exercise in field 2. Then the team was divided between defensive players and attackers. On pitch 1, the coach has done specific work for defenders and full-backs. On Pitch 2, Doriva’s assistants and Alex Meschini conducted an activity of passes, crosses and shots for the midfielders and attackers.

Sylvinho finished the day with a set piece. On Friday, again in the morning, Corinthians finished preparing for the match.

See more at: Corinthians Training, CT Joaquim Grava and Richard.

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