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Petropolis Diary

Petropolis Diary

Edition: Saturday, July 20, 2024

Photo: Disclosure

The annual gathering of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, an international event, will be held in the United Kingdom on July 26, 27 and 28, attracting thousands of believers and people from various faiths and communities. This year, the Ahmadi Muslim Community of Brazil will attend the event through a Brazilian delegation made up of the President of the Ahmadi Muslim Community of Brazil, Imam Waseem Ahmad Zafar, State Deputy Sergio Fernandez. Jacqueline Gomez and journalist Robson Albergeria and TVC reporter Eric Resente.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim community was founded in India in 1889 by the saintly Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, who, under divine revelation, declared him to be the promised Messiah of the end times, awaited by all. In this way, the second coming of Jesus will also be fulfilled in his person. This peaceful branch of Islam is practiced in more than 215 countries around the world and is globally led by a global leader, the Caliph. Presently, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad is the fifth Caliph. He leads and guides millions of believers of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community in all continents of the world in peace work.

In Brazil, the headquarters of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is at the Baitul Awal Mosque in Petropolis-RJ, headed by Imam Wasim Ahmad Zafar.

On the significance of this event, Imam Wasim highlights that it is a unique event that celebrates peace and unity between people and nations. Dozens of countries participate harmoniously in this event, enriching themselves with spiritual and moral knowledge through the speeches of the Khalifa and other speakers. The fraternal atmosphere created is truly inspiring and is unmatched in any other event in the world.

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In addition to speeches and spiritual gatherings, Jalsa Salana includes various cultural and educational activities and various exhibitions, promoting interfaith understanding and global cooperation.
Those interested in participating in the event may contact the headquarters of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Brazil at (24) 2242-1385 and (24) 99906-0929 (WhatsApp) or via email: [email protected] .

Edition: Saturday, July 20, 2024

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