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Petrobras (PETR4) identifies the presence of hydrocarbons in the Santos Basin salt in a pilot well in the Aram block

Petrobras (PETR4) identifies the presence of hydrocarbons in the Santos Basin salt in a pilot well in the Aram block

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to Petrobras (PETR3;PETR4It announced on Friday (19) that it has identified the presence of hydrocarbons in the pre-salt Santos Basin, in a pilot well in the Aram block.

Well 1-BRSA-1381-SPS (Curacao) is located 240 km from the city of Santos-SP, at a water depth of 1905 meters.

The oil tolerance interval was verified by electrical profiles and fluid samples, which will be further determined by laboratory analysis. This data will allow assessment of potential and direct future exploratory activities in the area.

The consortium will continue its operations to complete the project to drill the well to the expected depth and verify the extent of the new discovery, in addition to characterizing the conditions of the existing reservoirs.

Aram block was acquired in March 2020, in the sixth round of bidding by the National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP). Petrobras is the operator of the block and holds 80% of the shares in partnership with CNODC (20%).

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