Nowadays, it is very common for people to resort to credit cards to make various purchases. However, if your score is low, it may be difficult to convince financial institutions to issue you a credit card, as the individual’s reliability may be called into question.
But all is not lost, because there are banks and credit cards that accept low scores. Check out more details below.
A low score is not a problem for some banks
A large portion of the Brazilian population has a low debt delinquency score as a result of inflation, high prices and indebtedness. Although these people may have difficulties in obtaining credit cards in general, there are banks that do not take this result into account and make the acquisition process easier for their customers.
Check out below these banks that do not require a high score to release credit cards:
1. Neon Bank
The digital bank, in addition to providing customers with a national credit card, also has the international option with the flag of Visa. In addition, the user can make free transfers, three free monthly withdrawals and many other benefits.
2. Banco Inter
In Inter, if your name is on credit, it doesn’t matter. They don’t even require proof of income and also offer free transfers and withdrawals. Over time, the bank will issue many other benefits along with the card.
4. Will Bank
Will Bank makes money more practical. In it, the client does not need to pay an annual salary, as the cards act as a credit and debit option, in addition to many other benefits. The order is made through the website.
4. Next
The last option is Banco Next. It offers many attractive alternatives that the customer can enjoy all of them. One of the most important is financial flexibility.
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