a PetrosThe Petrobras Employees' Pensions Fund stated today, Monday, 19 this month, that it will go to court to appeal against the minister's decision Tovelli daysof the Federal Supreme Court (STF), which suspended the payment of the fine stipulated in the leniency agreement between J&F and the brothers Wesley and Joesley Batista, in the amount of R$ 10.3 billion.
The Foundation said in a statement that the procedure aims to protect the assets of the fund participants, who are beneficiaries of the agreement.
“As a beneficiary of the leniency agreement, which is strengthened by the sentence that agreed to the agreement, the Foundation has the legitimacy to defend the receipt of this payment obligation. With this in mind, our legal team responsible for the process worked to determine the best strategy and ensure the rights of the Foundation and its participants.He mentioned.
“As we informed the participants, the decision of Minister Dias Toffoli, of the STF, to suspend payment of the fine under the J&F Leniency Agreement, is not final. In fact, the Public Prosecutor’s Office has already appealed against the Minister’s decision. It is important to note that since the decision to suspend payment, Petros Talks with PGR and Funcef, which are also beneficiaries of the agreement.he added.
How much should Petros get from J&F?
Of the total fine imposed on the J&F Group of 10.3 billion riyals, Petros is supposed to receive 1.7 billion riyals over 25 years.
To date, the Foundation has received approximately R$133 million. Values were reported in the PPSP-R, PPSP-NR, PP-3, and FlexPrev plans.
Funsiv reaction
a Funsfa pension fund for Caixa employees, also decided to become an interested party in the appeal led by PGR against the Toffoli decision.
The President of the Foundation, Ricardo Pontes, met with the Attorney General of the Republic, Paulo Gonet, on Friday, 16th of this month.
Like Petro, Funcef is also entitled to R$1.7 billion from J&F. The amount has already been recorded on the pension fund's balance sheet.
Toffelli decision
Minister Dias Toffoli, of the STF, on December 20, 2023, suspended the R$10.3 billion fine that J&F, owned by the brothers Wesley and Joesley Batista, had agreed to pay under a leniency agreement with the Federal Public Ministry.
In the order, the judge also allowed the company to re-evaluate the annexes to its agreement with the federal Home Affairs Office (CGU) to correct the potential for this to happen. “Violations that have been committed, particularly (but not exclusively) in relation to the use of illegal evidence that have been declared ineffective in the context of this complaint, such that only attachments that are truly illegal and recognized by the plaintiff are considered within the scope of the Unit.” “CGU”.
Toffoli also gave J&F access to the full messages seized by federal police in the spoofing operation.
Toffelli's wife, Roberta Rangel, is a member of J&F's defense team.
PGR Call
Accused of negligence, the Attorney General of the Republic, On February 5, Paolo Jeunet appealed the decision of Minister Dias Toffoli, of the STFwhich suspended the fine amounting to 10.3 billion riyals from the leniency agreement concluded between the brothers Wesley and Juicely Batista.
On appeal, the PGR stated that there was no connection between the request filed by the Batista brothers and the action discussing access to messages from the operation dealing with the leaking of conversations between members of Lava Jato.
Jeunet requested that Toffoli's decision be suspended and that the case be distributed to a new rapporteur at the STF.
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