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Patrick Stewart reveals what made him leave the set of Star Trek: The Next Generation

Patrick Stewart reveals what made him leave the set of Star Trek: The Next Generation

One of the most famous actors in United kingdom -And the world- Patrick Stewart He has many successes on his resume, one of which is Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) where he played the role of the famous Jean-Luc Picard. But the beginning of this adventure was very difficult for the actor, as he says in his new autobiography Make it so (2023).

Before opening up about his final moment of frustration, Stewart says he was nervous about playing the Captain in the series, but despite that feeling, he wanted to take the project seriously. There were those who said that the production would be a failure, but he wanted to prove the opposite.

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During the recording of the first season, the attitude of some of the co-stars greatly angered the actor. Jonathan Frakes, Dennis Crosby that it Brent Spinner They enjoyed recording mistakes, making jokes or laughing when they didn’t get the lines right, which angered Stewart.

“I can be a cruel bastard.”,” he writes in a revealing excerpt Hollywood Reporter. “My experience at the Royal Shakespeare Company and the National Theater was intense and serious… On the set of Star Trek, I was disturbed by the behavior of my colleagues, and that’s when I called that meeting where I lectured the actors for joking around. He responded to Dennis Crosby’s comment, saying, ‘We have to “We have fun sometimes, Patrick,” he said, “We’re not here to have fun, Dennis.”

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“Later”Stewart continues, “Everyone, including me, finds this story funny. But the moment the cast exploded into hysterics after my boastful statement, I didn’t handle the situation well. I didn’t like being ridiculed. I left the set, went into my trailer, and locked the door.”

The actor then says things calmed down when Freaks and Spinner went to the trailer to talk about what happened. “People respect you”Spinner told him. “But I think you misjudged the situation here.” Stewart recalls: “He and Jonathan recognized that there was too much banter and that it needed to be controlled. But they also pointed out how frustrating it was – not a case study in good leadership – to try to solve the problem by lecturing and berating the actors. I failed to read the room, which led to To impose RSC behavior on people accustomed to episodic television styles – which is what we were shooting for anyway.

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