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Patient Safety Movement Foundation Opens Registration for the 10th Annual Global Summit on Patient Safety, Science, and Technology, June 1-2, 2023

Patient Safety Movement Foundation Opens Registration for the 10th Annual Global Summit on Patient Safety, Science, and Technology, June 1-2, 2023

Irvine, Calif., April 12, 2023– (working wire) – The Patient Safety Movement Foundation celebrates its tenth establishmenta Anniversary with an in-person summit meeting of world-renowned experts to discuss today’s patient safety challenges and solutions. The Global Patient Safety, Science, and Technology Summit will be held in Newport Beach, California, June 1-2, 2023.

This press release includes multimedia. See the full statement here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230411005989/ar/

Michael Ramsey, MD, CEO of the Global Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit (Photo: Business Wire)

d said. Michael Ramsey, CEO of the Patient Safety Movement Foundation. “The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted safety gaps in our healthcare systems and is affecting not only our patients, but also our healthcare professionals. Over the years, we have seen hospital systems implement evidence-based practices that report zero deaths.” In areas such as nosocomial infections. No harm can be done to the patient, but it will not happen without your full commitment and participation.”

The 2023 Summit will include several keynotes, including:

  • Jannicke Mellin-Olsen, MD, DPH, past president of the World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists

  • Anthony Staines, MD, director of the Patient Safety Program at the Fédération des Hôpitaux Vaudois, Switzerland

  • Don Berwick, MD, MPP, FRCP, former director, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Attendees will also have the opportunity to hear from healthcare leaders including Sir Liam Donaldson, former Chief Medical Officer of the United Kingdom, and Neelam Dhingra, who leads the WHO’s transformative initiative, A Decade of Patient Safety. Patient Safety) 2021-2030″. The summit will include seven breakout sessions covering various topics of importance to patient safety, led by respected healthcare leaders. These include:

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  • President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology

  • Patient injury prevention: Predictive analytics and artificial intelligence

  • Journey to zero

  • National Patient Safety Council

  • Patient safety in the news

  • Opioid safety

  • Patient and family involvement

Summit 2023 offers a unique opportunity to renew your organization’s commitment to a culture of safety and to make international connections with like-minded people working to eliminate preventable injuries for patients and healthcare workers. Attendees include patient safety experts, physicians, health care officials, policy makers, and representatives from the medical technology and biotech industries, as well as patients and patient advocates.

“With more than 15 years in systems engineering and patient safety, the Global Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit has been the premier event to bring all healthcare stakeholders together under one roof. We develop and power solutions in collaboration with physicians, patient safety advocates, policy makers and hospital administrators. Together, we can learn from the past, focus on implementing practical, evidence-based practices in the present, and ensure a future without any preventable injuries,” said Dr. Sanaz Masoumi, COO of the Patient Safety Movement Foundation.

The summit is open to anyone interested in actively planning solutions to the major patient safety challenges that cause preventable injuries and deaths in hospitals and healthcare facilities around the world. To register for Summit 2023 or learn more about the event, visit: https://psmf.org/event/10th-annual-world-patient-safety-science-technology-summit/.

About the Patient Safety Foundation

In 2012, Joe Kiani founded the nonprofit Patient Safety Movement Foundation (PSMF) to eliminate preventable medical errors in hospitals. Her team has worked with patient safety experts from around the world to create evidence-based practice (AEBP) practices that address key challenges. AEBP is available online free of charge to hospitals. Hospitals are being encouraged to make a formal commitment that no preventable deaths will occur, and health tech companies are being asked to sign the Open Data Pledge in order to share their data so that predictive algorithms can be developed, which have the potential to identify errors before they become fatal. The Foundation’s annual Global Summit on Patient Safety, Science, and Technology brings together all stakeholders, including patients, healthcare professionals, medical technology companies, government employers, and private payers. PSMF was founded with the support of the Masimo Foundation for Ethics, Innovation, and Competition in Healthcare. For more information visit psmf.org.

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The original text of this announcement is the official, approved version. Translations are provided for convenience only and must refer to the original language text, which is the only legally binding version of the text.

View the original on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230411005989/ar/


Patient Safety Movement Foundation
Irene Molonni, [email protected] | (858) 859-7001