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Paraplegic tennis player from DF wins gold at US Open Junior in USA

Paraplegic tennis player from DF wins gold at US Open Junior in USA

17-year-old Paralympic athlete Jade Lanai returned with two gold medals at the International Wheelchair Tennis Championships in the United States. The Sol Nascente resident won the US Open junior women’s singles and doubles titles.

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The winnings took place on Saturday (10/9). The tennis player beat the Japanese in the singles final to reach the highest spot on the podium. She also won the doubles event with American Mayley Phelps.

“I am really happy. Thanks to everyone who helped me get here. I still don’t know how important it is to me. To end the junior cycle in this way is very historic,” celebrated Jade.

Check out photos of the young lady:

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In August, the young woman launched a campaign to raise funds and travel to the competition. The athlete needed R$ 20 thousand to travel. Tickets for the team and accommodation expenses for the paraathlete. “It’s always a fight, but we win little by little. And then, it’s worth it,” Jade recalls.

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After completing her participation in the US Open, Jade is ranked No. 4 in the singles rankings and leads the world doubles rankings. The athlete’s next challenge will be to coach Brazil in contention for the 2024 Gra da America do Sul wheelchair tennis and Paralympics in Paris.