There are different types of Cheeses All over the world, its shapes and flavors vary greatly depending on the region...
9 After getting damaged by flood, man builds high barrier and saves house from flood Worcester, an inland city in...
The interest rate maintained by Roberto Campos Neto, head of the central bank, is one of the highest in the...
Hey Sleeps It is a basic need for most living organisms, including animals. While humans have comfortable beds, the sleep...
1 of 3 Brazil is the second country with the highest number of leprosy cases in the world, after only...
Object of interest Botafogo Provided that the renewal is with Flamingo It's starting to get complicated, the attacking midfielder Everton...
1 of 2 From the age of 40, the human brain undergoes a radical reshaping - Image: Getty Images/Via BBC...
Illustrative image – Source: Public Domain / CC0 1.0 According to English media reports, a passenger died on board an...
In the United Kingdom, more than 250 places are on flood alert. Thousands of square kilometers were flooded. In addition...
The federal government continues the initiative to help Brazilian citizens repay their debts through the Desenrola Brasil renegotiation program. Recently,...