satellite the British aircraft carrier left the South China Sea and headed for the Pacific Ocean, radars detected the...
+ The virtual exhibition stimulates discussion of social agendas at the Olympics (Photo: Kyle Dias/Unsplash)It is a mistake to think...
PROCON-SP requests clarifications for 11 health plans after complaining that the agreements require the husband's permission to implement a contraceptive...
NS A flamingo was run over by Red Kalonga In the semi-finals of the CBLOL 2021 And again, it was...
The next Pixel to be announced promises that it won't be as interesting as the newly released one Pixel 6...
The video that shows a cougar approaching the entrance to a house in California in the United States and frightening...
Reproduction / Daniel Closer Puma is a frightened resident near home in the United States The video, which shows a...
An airline may have other sources of income besides selling the ticket to consumers. This revenue represents an important share...
Credit: FramePhoto/Folhapress The feud between Scarlett Johansson and Disney won another chapter on Friday (6). The entertainment company's attorney, Daniel...
Since the first steps were taken in reopening economic activities, even during the first wave of Covid-19 in Brazil in...