This is the story of seven Kenyan dancers, who together form the "Family Street Dance Group", a name that the...
The UK government agency has apologized to a Duchess of Sussex, Megan Markle, for allegedly forgetting emails she and an...
Natura Store (disclosure) Sao Paulo - Natura (NTCO3) reported, in a key fact on Thursday (11), that it has begun...
Collaboration with Splash in Sao Paulo 11/11/2021 22h07update in 11/11/2021 23h55 Apparently the line went to Erica Schneider, a former...
Atlético-MG training started early, after a 3-0 win over Corinthians. And without much new regarding the clinical picture of Mariano...
GTA: Trilogy, a collection of three classic games from the franchise, released Thursday (11), but it wasn't exactly what fans...
panel of experts from Dutch On Thursday (11) he recommended imposing a partial lockdown in the country. If approved, this...
By Marco Fastino November 11, 2021, 5:54 p.m. Posts on social media are deceptive when sharing a photo showing dozens...
Miranda McKeown said she's been waiting five months for surgery and then she'll be completely free of the rare disease...
Are there dogs that do not bark? Unbelievable but true, the answer is yes: let's find out who they are...