A German climber has been killed and an Austrian climber sustained multiple fractures after being hit by an avalanche and...
Communications Minister Fabio Faria and former footballer Rivaldo attended an event in the United States, a blogger who escaped from...
After a long wait of at least six months, the federal government is back with the PIS/Pasep bonus payment in...
After going through a lot of effort to keep the living house standing in the first movie, the new feature...
FotoLesnik_GuettyimagesBioassays using wheat plants show that there is a continuum in the root zone In the 2009 movie "Avatar", directed...
Without much effort, the Corinthians River defeated PI 2-0 tonight (7), with goals by Felipe Augusto, in 24 of the...
According to the source, the long-awaited announcement of GTA 6 will be released soon GTA V It was released in...
In the past year, Donald Trump has been punished on Twitter as well as on Facebook (Credit: Disclosure) The new...
https://br.sputniknews.com/20220108/embaixador-russo-nos-eua-russia-acredita-que-crise-no-cazaquistao-e-fruto-de-provocacao-externa-20955983.htmlRussia's ambassador to US: Russia believes crisis in Kazakhstan is the result of external provocationRussia's ambassador to US: Russia believes...
National Civil Aviation Agency (I am) The Itapemirim Transportes AĆ©reos (ITA) on Friday (7) prevented, through a precautionary measure, the...