A US embassy spokesman said on Tuesday that the United States had ordered all essential staff at its consulate in...
Square Enix revealed Kingdom Hearts 4 In the Last Sunday (10) during an event to commemorate 20 years of franchiseBut...
The two companies distributed R$146 billion in dividends and interest on equity Modify Support 247 ICL 247 Petrobras and Vale...
Gasparzinho will win a series on a darker tone through broadcast platform PeacockCasparzinho, a beloved character who has been portrayed...
The municipality's Department of Science and Technology published, Monday, 11, in the Official Electronic Gazette (https://atos.teresopolis.rj.gov.br/diario/#/diario/447) List of approved inscriptions...
Nautico rejects an offer of 3 million Brazilian riyals from Sport for Jean CarlosTempo agrees to sign striker Luis Philippe...
Mayor of Warsaw, the capital Polandon Monday (11) took control of an old Russian diplomatic building, nicknamed "The Spies' Nest",...
Apple released the first beta version of iOS 15.5, which is an operating system update that integrates the brand's devices,...
Eliezer Netto Participants left from BBB 22 I was shocked to show pictures that were in the leader's room in...
A young boy swallows a battery from one of his toys and his parents are upset because they don't know...