Documentary arrives on Netflix on Wednesday (13) DB Cooper: Hiding in the Aira miniseries that tells one of America's most...
The banana It is already part of the Brazilian culture. An indispensable food for gym users, a safe option to...
Corinthians on Wednesday updated the list of players ineligible to enter the field and added a name relating to those...
8 hours agoattributed to him, NASAIllustrative image, The difference between the two pictures is noticeable. The release of the first...
Cats are certainly some of the most mysterious of all that can be kept indoors. According to information from the...
The minister said the 5G auction was designed so that countries would not undercut Brazil Communications Minister Fabio Faria, this... the auxiliary phase of the extinct program Panic on TV In the world of investments, Carol Dias' career has...
Singer Bob Dylan has decided to ban smartphone use on his new UK tour. The 81-year-old music star decided...
07/13/2022 - 12:09 Alan / House The rapporteur, Deputy Cassio Andrade, has benefited from several projects that are being processed...
a saints On Wednesday he approved the appointment of Newton Drummond to the position of Executive Director of Football, a...