They have little Limit The credit card should put an end to plans to make new purchases, especially some purchases...
On the Internet, posts involving fashion and beauty reach millions of people around the world. In addition to makeup, the...
The Advisor to the State Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation, Murilo Mafra, was in Jaraguá do Sul, north of...
Flamengo fans protest against the board of directors, due to the poor results and lack of professionalism in footballWhile Vitor...
In memory of Consumer Week, which runs from March 13th to March 19thOn Saturday morning (11), the Mercado Livre website...
Many people are afraid of being caught for doing something without realizing it could become a crime, or of being...
Like the current Air Force One VC-25A, the livery design for "Next Air Force One" is designated VC-25B. US President...
new batch of PIS/PASEP Salary Bonus They will be released in a few days to millions of workers. On March...
The British Government will be responsible for supporting the implementation of the project Lucas Brown: Nova Lima is the most...
All previous program coordinators were honored at the event - Image: Fabrício Carmargo / Ascom a Graduate Program in Animal...