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Owner of Facebook and Instagram promoting mass layoffs

Owner of Facebook and Instagram promoting mass layoffs

Meta went through another layoffs this week. The American company – which controls the social networks Facebook, Instagram and the messaging application The WhatsApp Lay off more than 5,000 employees on Wednesday 24.

The mass dismissal affected the Brazilian office Big techwhich are located in the area Avenida Brigadero Faria Lima, in São Paulo. So far, the company has not officially commented on the cuts. The layoffs were reported to the press by executives and some of the layoffs.


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Layoffs, however, were already expected. Founder of Facebook and CEO of Meta, American businessman Mark Zuckerberg warned on April 26th, that layoffs will happen in May. However, he did not say how many jobs will be closed with this measure.

“In May, we will implement the third wave in our business groups,” Zuckerberg said. “This was a difficult process,” he said. I confess Meta owner

A series of parental layoffs on Facebook

Image: Disclosure/Target

Since the end of last year, Meta has already promoted two more series of mass layoffs in its operations around the world. In all, over the past few months, the company responsible for Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp has laid off more than 10,000 people.

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