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OSX, owned by Eike Batista, files a new request for injunctive relief

OSX, owned by Eike Batista, files a new request for injunctive relief

OSX, the shipyard company he founded Ike Batista (photo)entered the Rio de Janeiro Court of Justice with A A new request for judicial recoveryGlobo says.

With debts 7.9 billion Brazilian realsthe company survives as “Zombie Company”according to a description from Caixa Econômica Federal.

The company had a judicial recovery request accepted in 2013 with debts of R$5.3 billion, concluded in 2020 after a creditors' agreement. The court has not yet decided on the second request.

In November, Judge Paulo Acid, of the Third Business Court of the Court of Justice of Rio de Janeiro, granted the company's request to suspend the debt on the basis of an injunction, after OSX received a ruling. He collected 400 million riyals from Promocontroller of the port of Aso, north of Rio.

Promo suspended a 2018 agreement between the two companies in October, on the grounds that the shipyard company… Ike Batista You never pay to use the port.

To avoid shipping 400 million riyalsOSX has filed a request with the Third Business Court of Rio de Janeiro to keep payment requests submitted by creditors in abeyance for at least 60 days.

“Due to the resumption of the procedural deadlines next Monday, OSX Group, after the approval of the Company’s Board of Directors, submitted on Saturday (01/20/2024) a new request for judicial recovery before the aforementioned third day. Commercial Court, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 11,101/2005 (“ LRF”), in order to avoid completely irreparable damage to the OSX cluster”“, said in a statement sent to the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM).

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