In the past three years, there has been a slowdown in investments in science, technology and innovation (ST&I) in Latin America, as discussions and actions in defense of the Scientific productionTechnological innovation and open.
This means that there is a strong movement to break the backbone of current knowledge production, based on capitalization and monopolization of knowledge by large publishing groups of companies located in more developed countries. As a result of the release of these links, public participation in the direction of ST&I is evaluated.
The idea of open scientific data in relation to science, technology and innovation was born in preparation for the International Year of Geophysics, sponsored by the United Nations General Assembly, between 1957 and 1958. In 2004, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) formalized the declaration that all archival data should be made available which are produced with public funding free of charge.
Open data applied to social inclusion
As defined by the Open Knowledge Foundation, “[o] Knowledge is open if anyone is free to access, use, modify and share it – subject, at most, to measures that preserve originality and openness. However, researcher Anne Clinio notes conflicting views on this topic in Los Angeles.
According to her, “[existe], at least, there are two different perspectives: the first promotes a utilitarian view of science in terms of increasing efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness; The second focuses on issues such as ensuring rights, cognitive justice, and social justice.”
The appreciation of open data can be an important inflection point for strengthening the socio-economic situation in Latin America, that is, to act effectively to fulfill the rights of social inclusion. Although the subject of theoretical and practical dispute, the production of knowledge through open data is presented in a context that combines a low degree of political participation, along with low levels of commercial investment in research and development, which is experiencing a neoliberal wave.. which insists weakening already weak social and economic systems.
Therefore, the quality of products, services and processes will improve only when the society obtains an increase in its standards of living, the material conditions of existence are satisfied and basic social problems are solved.
There is no point in thinking about emerging technological applications, without shifting the mindsets and ways of behaving in society that are based on an economic model that exploits excess natural resources. This is futile if most of society is pressured by basic daily needs, and critical thinking is not encouraged.
Despite the progress on this topic in Latin America, taking into account the development of scientific data repositories, Latin American collaboration on open data still relies on regionally structured governance, as it requires a normative framework for managing research data. Examples of repositories that could be incorporated in the near future are: the IBICT, RNP and CNPq agreement in Brazil; UAM Data Portal, in Mexico; Dataverse repositories; and Re3data.
Therefore, the context needs to be understood by the professional who will make the diagnosis about the methods of information production and knowledge dissemination. The factors inherent in actions aimed at social transformation must include methods, techniques and tools that are geared towards assessing social and economic conditions, have the potential to produce scientifically qualified and open data, and are publicly available for reuse with the aim of improving the knowledge produced.
But it must be done symmetrically, with an appreciation of access to the commons, while protecting against the unequal practices of traditional modern science. Moreover, what would allow the inclusion of knowledge based on traditional knowledge, breaking the barriers imposed by the dominance of science, technology and innovation of a Eurocentric character.
This would allow drawing other perspectives in a participatory environment, with greater interaction between community representatives and decision makers, as the researcher acts as a facilitator and decoder of research production and results. Open data experiments are essential for other researchers or decision makers to reuse, repurpose, and redirect, since the transformation of social dynamics is constant and actions to understand them must be consistent with reality.
Examples around the world
A working example of open data tools can be found in various institutional repositories around the world. The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), within the scope of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, shows how important investment is for knowledge sharing without cost barriers to research, innovation and education.
In Latin America, the report prepared for Foro Abierto de Ciencias (CILAC) in 2018, entitled: Transformando nuestra región: Ciencias, Tecnología e Innovación para el Desarrollo Sostenible, attests to the importance of open scientific data for social transformation in the region and opens up the potential for the growth of this The way to share knowledge.
A good example of Continental Expression, which appears to function efficiently, even in times of acute political crisis, is the field of public health research (Unasur-Saúde, PAHO, etc.). The inter-institutional exchange of technical and scientific information can inspire more solid and sustainable promotional practices in the areas of science, technology and innovation, such as state policies and not just through government initiatives.
The advanced discussions on open data are also an indication that the continent has a prominent role, in a pioneering spirit, in the proposals championed by the Panama Declaration on Open Science, in 2018, and in actions to defend democratic access to scientific knowledge.
There are indisputable priorities regarding the implementation of STI policies and this is related to the oppressive and contradictory material conditions of existence of the Latin American population, and it is necessary to solve their basic social issues.
With this said, the transformation necessarily involves the re-engineering of new development strategies that contain research, education and innovation as essential elements for the enjoyment of full, equitable, inclusive and diversified citizenship.
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