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Open a R,000 Limit on Nubank with this step-by-step guide

Open a R$5,000 Limit on Nubank with this step-by-step guide

Client nubank Many services and benefits can be relied upon, such as, for example, a credit card that does not charge an annual fee. However, usually, when a credit card is issued, the limit is not always satisfactory to the users.

Think about it, the nubank In launching a new customer feature. Through the new tool, it is possible to partially or completely reserve the balance to be used as a credit. Therefore, a customer who wants to make a purchase of R$600, for example, can deposit the amount in their account and keep it as a credit limit.

It is important to note that when the customer deposits the amount into the account to use as credit, the amount is not available for use until the card bill is paid. So, after the payment is made, the amount is released, and it is left up to the customer on how to use the funds.

If payment is not made by the due date, the bank will use the reserved balance to settle the bill.

according to nubankCustomer can use up to 5 thousand Brazilian reals In the function of building a limit on a credit card. In addition, the customer can make local and international purchases, either in person or virtually.

How can I reserve up to R$5,000 as credit?

  1. First, access the app nubank🇧🇷
  2. enter the list of credit cards;
  3. Click on the “Set Limit” option.
  4. Finally, click on “Maximum Reserve” and enter the desired amount.

Service advantages

Although it does not seem very useful, considering that it is the customer who sets his own limits, the function can be very useful for those who do not have pre-approved credit.

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“This card works like this for one simple reason: rather than denying you access to a credit card, we let you build a credit history with us: by setting a limit and paying your bill for a period of time, our system can make a new future analysis based on your behavior, and with more of information, it gives you a pre-approved limit,” Nubank explains.

Tips from Nubank for increasing card limit

  • avoid late payment of bills;
  • Pay before the due date or by the due date;
  • Choose the invoice due date according to your salary payment;
  • Do not pay the minimum bill amount, as this will activate revolving credit;
  • Keep your monthly income updated in the app nubank🇧🇷
  • use your credit card frequently;
  • Use the card often without going over the limit;
  • You have no debts.

Another factor that can help the customer is not to be negative about credit protection agencies, such as SPC and Serasa. Having an inappropriate name quickly lowers the credit score, thus reducing the chances of the limit being increased.

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