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One of the most useful functions comes to the messenger

One of the most useful functions comes to the messenger

Meta Messages has always strived to deliver news. So, a new tool for Phonetic transcription WhatsApp was announced in February this year and is already available for some users!

Months after this news was announced, some users are already claiming to have the option to display an audio transcript below the message.

What is known about the copy feature?

The idea of ​​transcribing audio did not come out of nowhere. The process has been in development since 2021 and has gone through several stages of improvement. But practical tests did not begin until February 2023.

The main motive behind developing this option is to facilitate communication between individuals, especially in situations where it is not possible or convenient to listen to the audio transmitted by one of the parties. Also, this tool can be very useful in transcribing long messages.

In terms of functionality, the transcriber only encounters difficulties when it cannot understand what is being said or when the message is in a language other than the one used on the user’s device.

According to the information, this function will be located below the audio. While transcribing, the part of the audio that is covered will be highlighted in a different color so that both of you can follow the progress of the transcribing process.

Users celebrate the transcription of audio on WhatsApp

The introduction of new features in WhatsApp has been commented on the Twitter platform and has attracted the attention and interest of users. So it’s not surprising that many of them have come forward to express their opinions about the new transcription option.

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Keeping in mind the importance of promoting more direct and comprehensive information, we have tried to select some of the most relevant and representative comments to share with our users. Here’s how to receive the new job:

And you, did you like the voice transcription feature on WhatsApp? Tell us in the comments!