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OCB, Frencoop and Unimed do Brasil discuss priorities

Cooperative 15 07 2021The priorities for the institutional performance of OCB, which focus on medical cooperatives, were the agenda of a meeting between the President of the OCB System, Marcio López de Freitas, the General Manager of the OCB, Tania Zanilla, Omar Abu Jamra and Paulo Prostolín, the President and Supervisor of Unimed do Brasil, respectively .

diagnose – Among the topics discussed during the meeting, the result of the diagnosis of the health branch, which refers, among other things, to the indicative elements of the performance of the OCB, which are the following:

Present government health cooperation as a strategic partner for public-private partnerships, franchises and other possible partnerships;

Monitor and assist in the deployment of all Syscope projects.

– work, with the unions, on the issue of telehealth;

Publicize the OCB / BNDES agreement and work on continuous improvement of solutions serving the Health Branch.

– Institutional dealings with CADE, ANS and the Ministry of Health;

– conducting research with non-operating medical cooperatives and cooperatives formed by other health professionals;

– Monitoring branch issues with the three countries.

Follow-up discussions on tax reform and work to defend the collaborative health model.

Develop strategies and procedures to assist cooperatives in post-pandemic recovery.

Frenkop – After learning more about the operating model of the OCB, together with the three powers, as well as the priority agenda for the sector in 2021, representatives of Unimed do Brasil also discussed the agenda of the sector at the National Conference, in a meeting attended by MPs Ever de Mello (ES), President of the Parliamentary Cooperative Front (Frencoop), and Arnaldo Jardim (SP), who is also a member of the Front.

Elements Among the priority items are, for example, issues related to health plan operators, OPME, telemedicine and the celebration of public-private partnerships. In addition to topics of general interest, such as the effects of tax reform, judicial recovery from cooperatives, cooperative law and public law for cooperatives. (OCB)

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