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Nubank is posting a general alert to customers who use credit cards

Nubank is posting a general alert to customers who use credit cards

The credit card has become an indispensable companion for most Brazilians, who today carry out almost all their transactions without the use of cash. This change in behavior has also led to an increase in the number of scams and thefts for these products.

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To avoid further losses to its customers, the nubank Adopt some security practices in case of loss, theft and theft. They help those who have been through such situations, which usually cause a lot of headaches.

So, if you need Block your credit card roxinho, check out the ways to do it safely.

Manual lock

The first option is temporary blocking, which can be done in the application itself and must be requested by the user. First of all, it is necessary to understand that it generates some results, such as:

  • It will not be possible to make transactions with the blocked card;
  • The manual lock function is temporary and reversible;
  • It must be ordered by the owner himself.

Moreover, if you want to make the blocking permanent, the client will have to order a new copy of the card and say goodbye to the old one.

Auto and phone blocking

An automatic ban occurs when the digital bank detects any shady dealThat is, outside the consumer’s buying pattern. It aims to protect the customer and prevent misuse of the card by third parties.

By adopting the procedure, Nubank notifies the owner of the product so that he can learn about the last purchase. If he doesn’t recognize the transaction, he can request a final block and send a new copy of the card, all directly through the app’s chat.

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Finally, those who do not have a mobile phone to carry out the online operation can block the card at the Nubank service phone number 0800 591 2117.