From the moment Globo announced, on Tuesday, that Amaury Soares, in addition to his current duties, would also be the director of Estúdios Globo, replacing Ricardo Waddington, naturally many questions began to appear.
Among them, as a special case, the entire production sector, between entertainment and drama, will remain the same or there may be changes. The tendency is that, in the beginning, nothing will change, without conveying a word of calm to everyone first. Raise the morale of the troops, but also willingly face the existing problems.
Internally, because of the new far-reaching commitments, Amauri is already being called the “new Boni” – one who will take care of everything, except the press and, of course, raise expectations about who will be his main points of support. In various fields. whether he would form a group of notables, as Seu Bonifácio did, or whether the present arrangement of work would be preserved. It is known in drama that José Luis Villamarín is highly regarded.
The truth is that the announcement of Amauri Soares as President of Estúdios Globo was well received in many sectors. He is hardworking, intelligent and competent. He struggled a lot to get where he is. But he must be offered the conditions, so that everything happens adequately and at the right time.
Just to be clear, in the previous Globo, Boni was in charge of everything, except press and commercials, but he had people who trusted him completely, working in different sectors.
In this case, Daniel Philo in the soap operas and Augusto Cesare Vannucci in the line of shows.
José Luiz Villamarim, according to Globo’s press office, will continue to direct the daily and weekly dramas.
It is clear that in the next few months, due to the transitional period in charge of Estúdios Globo, a lot can happen. But about everything he points out, nothing has to change.
On the other side
For official purposes, even with Silvio de Abreu leaving, information from Warner Bros. Discovery is a preserving TV series/TV series project for HBO Max.
And that every effort will be made so that “Beleza Fatal”, written by Rafael Montes, the first of the series, will be shown in Brazil.
Administrators also report that, in light of recent events, there is a need to reorganize everything in their fantasy field. Appointments are suspended.
And herein lies the danger. If nothing or little happens in two years, there is now, in addition to uncertainty, enormous pessimism going forward.
what a day!
Globo promoted the launch party for “Amor Perfeito”, around 6 pm, on the same day that the change of leadership at Estúdios Globo was announced.
How to avoid the idea behind the scenes of the event? you did not.
You must admit
There are people…and there are other people. It’s impossible not to highlight sports narrator G Jr.’s elegance on his departure from Grupo Globo after 24 years with the company.
An example of education and professionalism. Chief of high conviction and full of duty to do.
report card
About the Sports Narrator, Dear Amigao, Paulo Soares is going to undergo a new operation on his spine, which will now decompress the nerves and allow the pain in the legs and feet to be significantly reduced or eliminated. A full medical team with him, very confident and sees this procedure as reconstructive plastic surgery.
Internal exams tomorrow weekend and surgery on Monday.
Look at her
A kind of disappearance from soap operas, but always a very present name in soap operas and films, and now in a moment more dedicated to its musical side, Mayana Neiva has just released “Mumóvel”, a new song from a project that she intends to introduce to everyone.
The clip is on YouTube.
SBT already has an agreement with Amazon, its co-producer of the telenovela “Romeu and Juliet’s Childhood”.
Well, there is another autograph interest, along the same lines, for your entertainment. Reality show, for example. It could be Amazon itself or any other company.
on top
This proposal to combine television with digital on SBT is very interesting. But with regard to the morning newspaper, “SBT News”, in its editorial room there is talk of the need for “yesterday’s” investments.
It is necessary to improve working conditions well. Also critiques of articles provided by the network.
short circuit
Enter the commercial circuit in Rede TV programming! It caused inevitable shocks.
According to some, it is edited on the one hand, not always at the height of what it should be, but the losses in programming and audience are immeasurable. And, by the way, the decrease observed in recent times is directly attributed to this.
The information is that the new scenario was not yet ready and for this reason it was not possible to specify the date of the changes that “Jornal da Band” would receive.
The main objective, announced comprehensively, will be the entry of Adriana Araújo in place of Lana Canepa, who already left some time ago. There is some kind of uneasiness about that.
He recorded “Hoje em Dia” on Thursday, one of his attractions, “Personagens do Brasil”, a special work of Renata Alves.
I traveled to the city of Uiraúna, in the interior of Paraíba, to meet a successful couple on social networks. Larissa is the teacher and Donna Puma is the caramel mutt she adopted. The two give a presentation in interpreting the videos.
knock knock
• Actress Valentina Couto was cast in “Terra e Paixão” on Globo …
• …actors Fred Garcia and Miguel Gallardo as well.
• In July, Rodriguez, a welder, went with his company “Melhores do Mundo” to presentations in Angola and Mozambique.
• Eliana, with many surprises, recorded on Tuesday afternoon / evening an article in “Domingo Espectacular” about the 70th anniversary of the founding of Record.
• Camilla Smith, after many years, left Rede Brasil to start a variety show on TV Vanguarda in Taupate. That’s what she’s always wanted.
• Fabio Porchat is very happy with Anita’s positive mark on his show…
• … Registration has already been confirmed for the middle of next month.
• Ronaldo will be Fenomeno in Sergenio Groizmann’s next “Altas Horace”. Recorded on Tuesday.
• Correspondent Valteno de Oliveira leaves the band…
• …but it goes to AgroMais, of the same group, a channel focused on news about agribusiness, based in Brasília.
“Prone to fits of apathy. Problem solver. Twitter buff. Wannabe music advocate.”
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