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Now at large, Julian Assange arrives in Australia | World

Now at large, Julian Assange arrives in Australia | World

Julian Assange gets off the plane after arriving in Australia

More than a decade later, Assange arrives home a free man. On Tuesday night, he pleaded guilty He was convicted during a hearing in a US court in the Northern Mariana Islands.

Julian Assange arrives in Australia after gaining freedom

The hearing in Saipan, in the Northern Mariana Islands, lasted about three hours. The judge in the case, Ramona Villagomez Manglona, ​​accepted the agreement between US prosecutors and Assange’s defense.

Julian Assange waves to supporters after departing the plane in Canberra, Australia – Photograph: Reproduction/Reuters

“You will be allowed to leave this court free,” the judge said after pronouncing the sentence.

The judge also said it was “fair” and “reasonable” to accept the 62-month prison sentence Assange has already served in the UK. Finally, Manglona also wished an early “happy birthday” to the WikiLeaks creator, who turns 53 next week.

Julian Assange arrives at a US court for a hearing that could lead to his release

Assange He pleaded guilty to violating the US Espionage Act. The accusation involves Conspiracy to obtain and disclose classified U.S. national defense documents.

He told the court that he believed the Espionage Act conflicted with America’s First Amendment rights, but he accepted the fact that encouraging sources to provide classified information for publication could be illegal.

He said during the hearing: “In my work as a journalist, I encouraged my source to provide information considered confidential for publication.”

Julian Assange became known worldwide for founding WikiLeaks and creating a network of activists. The organization was responsible for leaking some 700,000 classified documents from the United States, which angered the American authorities.

Assange leaves the US court a free man, on June 25, 2024 – Photograph: Reuters/Kim Hong-ji

The agreement reached between Assange and the US Department of Justice ends a legal dispute that lasted 14 years.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arrives in a US court for a hearing that could see him released on June 25, 2024. – Image: Reuters

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