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No more modifications!  Globo should invest in sequels

No more modifications! Globo should invest in sequels

I think the broadcaster has come a long way in trying to replicate the momentum that this new version has generated. I think that with its repertoire of tricks to recapture viewers’ increasing escape from open-air television, it could sample something so commonplace in Hollywood, but still frowned upon here: sequels.

Making TV drama hits as franchises can be a very healthy alternative. Instead of relying on the good will of those who already watched TV 40 or 30 years ago, look for new possibilities with characters created less time ago, to also try to retain a younger audience.

To use the most active pop culture example of this century, just look at the state of Marvel in movie theaters. For 15 years, we’ve been continually building and expanding an entire fictional universe based on a simple and humble film, 2008’s Iron Man.

Globo has as many intellectual properties as Disney, the owner of Marvel. But instead of focusing solely on renewing old stories, it can also bring new stories to old acquaintances.

Avenida Brasil had many popular bands, and it’s a shame none of them survived the TV series. The Pantanal remake itself could also be adapted into other productions – including TV series, taking the opportunity to see what happens after some characters “live happily ever after.”

Instead of starting from scratch several times a year in its various productions, Globo should rely on the momentum of already established fan bases and also on more recent emotional memory. It would be unreasonable to suggest a remake of A Dona do Pedaço so soon after its premiere, but nothing could prevent an expanded universe from that set around the adventures of María da Paz.

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