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(crédito: AFP / EVARISTO SA)

No honor, you will lose the election.

Natasha Wernick – Minas State

Published on 10/27/2022 08:19

    (Credit: AFP/EVARISTO SA)


Former Minister Abraham Weintraub said President Jair Bolsonaro is not an honorable person and will lose the elections to Luis Inacio Lula da Silva (PT).

Through social media, the person in charge of the education profile announced between April 2019 and June 2020 that the CEO chose to take the easy path, rather than appreciating ingenuity.

“Besides having no honor, he would lose the election!” Weintraub said of his former ally.

In the post, Weintraub posted a picture of former British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain (Conservative Party).

“He was not corrupt, and his children did not buy mansions,” he wrote, referring to the Bolsonaro family’s purchase of 51 properties for cash.

Weintraub separated from the president in April of this year. At that time, he showed interest in running for government in São Paulo, against Tarcisio de Freitas (Republicans).

Subsequently, Ibrahim said Bolsonaro had “lied” to the people and accused him of being “dishonest”.

The former minister did not contest the elections for the government of São Paulo, but he tried to get a seat in the House of Representatives by the Council of Ministers and received only 4,057 votes.