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NF version will change from September; understand the news

NF version will change from September; understand the news

Issuing an NF is one of the most beneficial processes for those who want to become an MEI and this procedure should undergo changes soon.

As September approaches, small individual entrepreneurs (MEIs) need to pay attention to new changes in e-invoicing.

These changes are part of the updates implemented by the Financial Administration (Sefaz), which attempts to unify and adapt the specific tax system of the MEI, represented by the Tax System Law (CRT) 4.

Additionally, new updates have been made to the CFOP (Financial Code for Operations and Installments) table, which defines the tokens that small business owners can use in their financial operations.

The issuance of the NF is something that each MEI ensures to organize its financial affairs. / Credit: @jeanedeoliveirafotografia / pronatecnologia.com.br

Mandatory news when MEI NF is released

As of September 2, 2024, individual small business owners should be aware of new requirements when issuing their electronic invoices.

According to Technical Note No. 2024.001 version 1.10, published by Sefaz, it is mandatory for all SMEs to include the Tax System Code (CRT) 4 when issuing both the e-Invoice (NF-e) and the Consumer Electronics Tax Invoice (NFC-e).

This obligation has arisen to ensure that the operations carried out by small and medium-sized enterprises are properly classified within a specific tax system, allowing for better monitoring by the tax authorities.

In addition to the mandatory CRT 4, Sivas has also updated the table of CFOPs, which are codes that define the nature of tax operations.

Therefore, it is essential for small business owners to review the changes to ensure correct issuance of invoices.

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What CFOPs can MEI use?

With the implementation of the updates, the CFOPs table has been revised and individual small business owners should be aware of the codes they can use in their operations.

Check below for CFOPs that MEI can adopt when reporting to CRT 4, whether for domestic or interstate operations:

  • 1,202: Returns of sales of goods purchased or received from third parties, except for those classified under specific codes.
  • 1,904Return shipments for sale outside the facility except those classified under specific codes.
  • 2,202: Returns of sales of goods purchased or received from third parties, except for those classified under specific codes.
  • 2,904Return shipments for sale outside the facility except those classified under specific codes.
  • 5,102: Sale of goods purchased or received from third parties, except for items classified under specific codes.
  • 5,202Return of purchases for sale except those classified under specific codes.
  • 5,904: Shipped for sale outside the facility except those classified under specific codes.
  • 6,102: Sale of goods purchased or received from third parties, except for items classified under specific codes.
  • 6,202Return of purchases for sale except those classified under specific codes.
  • 6,904: Shipped for sale outside the facility except those classified under specific codes.

For foreign trade, fixed assets and ISSQN operations, MEIs using CRT 4 may also use CFOPs such as 1501, 1503, 1504, 1505, 1506, 2501, 2503, 2504, 2505, 2506, 5501, 5502, 5504, 5505, among other details.

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How to issue NFs correctly?

Finally, to ensure compliance with the new rules and avoid future problems, individual small business owners should follow a few simple steps when issuing their electronic invoices:

  1. Update your NF-e/NFC-e systems: Ensure that the system used for billing is updated to support the inclusion of the new CRT 4 and CFOPs.
  2. Enter CRT 4 when issuing the invoice.: When issuing an NF-e or NFC-e, specify the tax system code 4, which is for MEIs.
  3. Choose the right CFOP: Identify and select the correct CFOP for the tax process being implemented according to the updated schedule.
  4. Review all data before release.: Ensure that all data entered on the invoice is correct, including tax codes, amounts, and recipient information.
  5. Electronic invoice storageKeep all issued invoices in an organized manner, as they may be required in future tax audits.

By following these steps, MEI institutions will ensure that their tax operations comply with legislation.

Find out more: Now MEI can check its data through the official app: see how!