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Next week, 57,500 second doses of the vaccine are expected in Curitiba.  See who should be immunized

Next week, 57,500 second doses of the vaccine are expected in Curitiba. See who should be immunized

Next week, about 57,500 people who have already received the first dose of the coronavirus vaccination must return to the vaccination points in Curitiba to receive the second dose of the vaccine. To consult open vaccination sites on the day of the second dose, visit the ImunizaJáCuritiba website.

Of the projected total, 13.6 thousand will receive the second dose of the Astrazeneca and Pfizer vaccines in advance. They are people aged 57 or older who received their first application on June 9 and those aged 56 or older who were vaccinated on June 10.

The Municipal Health Department (SMS) reminds that all people who, for some reason, missed the appointment for the second dose specified in the application, can search for one of the vaccination points to complete the booster course of vaccination.

How to check the day of the second dose
Through the app:
1 – Open the application on the mobile phone;
2 – pressing “Vaccination card”;
3 – display of the date that appears in the upcoming vaccinations;
4- Finding one of the vaccination points in the open city on that day.

From the site:
1 – open www.saudeja.curitiba.pr.gov.br;
2 – press “Vaccination”;
3 – display of the date that appears in the upcoming vaccinations;
4- Finding one of the vaccination points in the open city on that day.

What to take
To receive the second dose of the vaccine, simply look for one of the vaccination points in the city, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, and get an identification document with a photo and CPF. This Monday will be 11 places for vaccination.

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Weekly schedule for the second dose
The second dose of Coronavac:
– August 23 – the first vaccination took place on July 27, 28 and 29;
– August 24 – the first vaccination took place on July 30;
– August 25 – the first vaccination took place on July 31.

Second dose of AstraZeneca and Pfizer:
– August 24 – the first vaccination took place on May 31;
– August 25 – the first vaccination took place on June 1;
– August 26 – the first vaccination took place on June 2 and 4;

Who should receive the second dose in advance on Monday (AstraZeneca and Pfizer)
People aged 57 years vaccinated with the first dose on June 9 (the second dose scheduled for September 2)
56-year-olds were vaccinated with the first dose on June 10 (the second dose scheduled for September 3)

Vaccination sites (from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
The SMS from Curitiba warns that during the week, there may be changes in the vaccination sites. The service will be offered on Monday at 11 locations.

To consult the vaccination sites open on the day of the second dose, access the website https://imunizaja.curitiba.pr.gov.br/ and search for “vaccination sites”.

1- Healing ward
Parejoy Park (entrance only via BR-277)

2- US Ombudsman Bardeneo
Rua 24 de Mayo, 807 – Ovidor Bardinho Square

3 – American Pargot de Sousa
Rua Joao Eloy de Sousa, 111 – Seto Cercado

4 – Avellino Fiera Sports and Leisure Center
Rua Gilherme Ellenfeldt, 233-Bakachery

5- Visit the United States
Rua Dr. Bley Zornig, 3136- Boqueirão

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6 – United States Camargo
Rua Pedro Violani – 364 – Kajuru

7 – CIC People’s Club
Rua Hilda Cadelli de Oliveira, No. 700

8 – United States Villa Phillies
Rua Pedro Gusso, 866 – A New World

9 – American Pine
Rua Juana Emma Dalpozo Zardo – 370 – Santa Felicidad

10 – Rua da Cidadania do Tatuquara
Rua Olivardo Konoroski Bueno, s/n

11- Rua da Cidadania de Fazendinha
1700 Carlos Klimtz Street

For those aged 57-56, but who took the vaccine off schedule (in summary periods), there will be no expectation for a second dose on Monday.

Those who did not receive the recall letter from Saeed no longer had the second dose expected for Monday, and therefore must follow the date set in advance.

Anyone called and unable to attend on Monday can take the vaccine on another date when there is an application for a second dose.