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News from the UFSC

Deadline for registration in Women in Science Award – for Black Scientists from the UFSC. Female scholars from UFSC permanent staff can participate, whether they are teachers or education administrative technicians. The award will be given in three categories: juniors (researchers who obtained their doctorate after 12/31/2015); Full (for those who obtained their Ph.D. between 12/31/2000 and 12/31/2015); Seniors (PhD’s before 31/12/2000).

The initiative was launched on March 8, by Pro-Rectory of Research (Propesq) and aims to motivate, recognize and highlight women in the UFSC who are undertaking scientific, technological and innovative research. The aim is to disseminate research and researchers, thereby inspiring the internal and external scientific community in various fields of knowledge and to contribute to the reduction of gender asymmetry in science.

In this particular edition, the award is dedicated to highlighting research by black women scientists, in recognition of great contributions that have been little publicized. “The idea to turn this second edition of the award into a special edition for black scholars came from an equality perspective: it has already been proven that the greater the diversity of research groups, the greater the scientific impact of the production, and the more powerful the presentation of the problems investigated,” stresses the project supervisor at Propesq, Maique Weber Biavatti.


Application period: Until June 8, 2022
How to Apply: Follow the step-by-step instructions on Corporate Services Portal
Announcing the Selected: August 2022
Awards Ceremony: February 11, 2023

More information: [email protected]


Women in Science Prize – Special Black Scientists

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