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New regulations make the dream of owning your own home easier

Realize your dream Private house Borrowers of “Minha Casa, Minha Vida” are now closer to having a formal contract, thanks to the regulation of FGTS Futuro by the Board of Trustees of the End of Service Compensation Fund (FGTS), effective as of March.

FGTS Futuro: a revolution for Minha Casa and Minha Vida borrowers

The FGTS Futuro regulation breaks new ground by allowing future employer contributions to the fund to be used to demonstrate higher income, the government agency announced. This innovation will enable borrowers to purchase more expensive properties or reduce the monthly installment amount.

Initially, the initiative will be rolled out on a pilot basis, benefiting about 60,000 families in the first track in Minha Casa, Minha Vida, whose monthly income does not exceed the minimum wage.

A promising future for all beneficiaries

If the results of the pilot phase are satisfactory, the federal government has plans to expand this initiative to include all beneficiaries of the program, expanding its reach to families with incomes of up to R$8,000 per month.

Established pursuant to Law No. 14438/2022 FGTS Future, although future deposits in the fund were already allowed to be used to pay part of the installment, there was lack of regulation.

Now, the simplified FGTS Futuro process stands out: the employer deposits 8% of the worker's salary into the FGTS monthly, and the worker can use this additional 8% to prove his or her income.

FGTS future mechanics

In theory, Caixa Econômica Federal, the operator of the FGTS, will automatically transfer the employer's future deposits in the guarantee fund to the bank that granted the housing financing.

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Therefore, the worker will continue to pay the rest of the payment, making the dream of owning a home within reach of thousands of Brazilians.

Turning dreams into reality

FGTS Futuro is emerging as a catalyst for change, offering Minha Casa and Minha Vida borrowers a unique opportunity to achieve long-awaited home ownership.

This initiative is not only revolutionizing the housing scenario but also enhancing commitment Government In making adequate housing a reality for all Brazilians.