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New photos show the Arena do Grêmio stadium still completely submerged in water;  Watch the video |  Association

New photos show the Arena do Grêmio stadium still completely submerged in water; Watch the video | Association

Floods that hit Porto Alegre and Rio Grande do Sul continue to destroy the square Association. Aerial photos taken on Tuesday show that the pitch at Gremio Stadium remains completely covered in water. At the moment, there is no possibility of the water being completely drained.

Aerial photos show the Arena do Grêmio park still flooded

How the ge In contact with the Arena administration, she reported that there is still water depth of up to one meter inside the stadium. Only security and operations area guards frequent the site. Images broadcast live by Globo News during a helicopter flight over the area show that grass can still be seen.

With the stadium still flooded, the club is unable to analyze the situation, which also prevents predictions of when it will be able to host matches again. There is no agronomy research on the resistance of sports lawns to flooding.

In addition to the arena, Gremio also faces the same situation at CT Luiz Carvalho. The team’s main training site is closer to Guayba and remains submerged. However, in principle, there is no damage to the equipment inside the CT, and losses should be on the promoter only.

Guaíba rose again at the beginning of the week, and this Tuesday the level reached 5.22 metres. Meanwhile, Gremio’s football department is evaluating how to resume activities. Although there is no confirmation, the plan is for the team to return to training on Friday.

Gremio Arena stadium completely flooded by rain in Porto Alegre – Photograph: Reuters